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The words of my mother and grandmother resonate very clearly, and I can hear them say with passion and assurance that we are all given a gift in life. My gift and purpose in life is organization. It gives me incredible joy to share my gift of organizing to change lifestyles internationally. Experiencing childhood in an organized home environment with guidelines of austere appearance regarding order has developed one of my greatest strengths. At an early age, they taught me the significance of taking care of things in my ownership, before continuing on and organizing my advantage toward something different. I have always been able to see beyond the clutter and envision the uniqueness of a space or an area. This natural gift has permitted me to launch LifeStyle Organizing Services, LLC a business established to assist others in bringing positive energy into their lifestyle.
Jennifer Jones, founder of LifeStyle Organizing Services, LLC has the skills and passion to assist with propelling any individual who is ready for a change in their life. Since my journey began in 2007, I enjoy meeting new clients and discovering solutions for challenges that are presented in everyday living. Clients are frequently heard making the expression, “I do not see how you do it.” I'm a vivacious hard worker and won't stop until the project is beyond the client’s expectations.
As a professional organizer, a very critical role is to listen to the clients and work at their pace while implementing a clearer vision and skills to bring harmony to their space. A professional organizer sees first-hand the consequences of what can be cultivated before the client can even envision where to start. We offer hands-on organizational sessions, which are customized to an individual situation. Our main goal is to help you gain control of unproductive areas in your home or office.
My diversified skills and knowledge have made me a popular figure in the organizing industry. I have been featured on ABC 33/40 News, in Birmingham Magazine, and in Social Media Blogs.